How to cure fungus on your feet: the best traditional recipes

Athlete's foot is a disease, the symptoms of which is observed in approximately 20% of people. Athlete's foot is easy to catch, stepping barefoot on wet floors in the pool or the sports locker room, but the treatment is not so simple. To begin treatment you need quickly, the appearance of the first symptoms. To do this, use any folk remedy for foot fungus along with the prescribed medication.

Athlete's foot

How to get rid of folk remedies for foot fungus

There are many ways how to get foot fungus folk remedies. The most famous of them – birch tar, garlic and onions, soda and salt, celandine, vinegar. They can alleviate the condition onychomycosis, and regular use helps to cure.

Birch tar

Known folk remedy for foot fungus. Tar contains up to 15% tannins, phenols, alkaloids, essential oils, a small amount of cancer. Unknown when I first began to use tar for medical purposes, but traditional medicine has long been known how to treat fungus using this hard and sharp-smelling products from the distillation of birch.

When applying to feet, tar works on several problems at once. He and keratinized soften and relieve inflammation and infection create adverse conditions.

Simple folk drugs based on it is a coal-tar soap. It is suitable for a variety of treatments:

  • Lotions soap sludge. Grind soap, powder, diluted with water to a semi-liquid consistency, apply on the affected leg, secure it with a bandage and leave for 3 hours.
  • Baths. RUB the soap, measure 3 tbsp. Fill a bowl with hot water and dissolve the soap powder. Keep your feet the solution for a quarter of an hour.
  • Rubbing. Grind to a powder, some soap, tar, measuring 1 teaspoon, Add 2 tablespoons water and 1 teaspoon soda. Apply the mixture on the affected fungus nail on my feet before going to bed, rinse in the morning. Repeat on a daily basis.

If there is no soap, it's pure tar, it is possible to make a cream. According to the traditional recipe as a base you can take badger fat or any neutral cream. Equal parts of base and tar are mixed and used for lubrication of affected areas of the feet. After two hours, wash the skin with extra cream.

Essential oils

You can complement the folk recipe using sulfur powder. Take 2 parts tar to 1 part sulfur, 1 part cream. The composition is heated and mixed thoroughly. The finished ointment is applied to the toes nails and cover the patch.

Antifungal vegetables – garlic and onions

Onions and garlic – the most effective products for the athlete. They cleanse the skin, strengthen the body's immune defenses and are excellent together. In folk medicine they are used in a wide range of diseases.

Garlic is rich in phytoncides, allicin (the substance, which has a strong fungicidal effect), essential oils. Luke, many of the volatile and essential oils, flavonoids.

When the fungus feet, applied topically vegetables separately or mixed:

  • The juice of garlic. Crack the cloves, squeeze the juice and apply to the feet twice a day in any place, but not a finger.
  • The juice of onion and garlic. Crush 4 cloves of garlic, pour 1 tablespoon of the juice of onion. Use and maintain the composition of the legs compress or bandage for half an hour.
  • Onion compresses. Finely chop the onions and mix with petroleum jelly in equal proportions. Spread your legs daily during 10-15 days.
  • Garlic-app. No time to squeeze the juice from the garlic – just cut a clove in half, sprinkle with salt and RUB with half the affected skin of the feet.
  • Garlic cream. Cook the garlic to a pulp and squeeze the juice. Mix 1 part juice to 1 part water and 1 part rubbing alcohol. Apply the resulting cream to the affected area in the legs.

Essential oils

Recipes are recommended in folk medicine for foot fungus, called a number of different essential oils – clove, cinnamon, oil, Cassia, thyme, geranium, marjoram, and lemon grass.

But the most popular essential oil of tea tree. It is a powerful antiseptic concentration. Use it carefully, so as not to cause burns, redness, irritation, of the skin.

There are several versions of application of folk remedies – you can rub the pure oil, but you can dilute it in the bath.

Prepare a healing bath, use the following proportions: 1 gallon water, 1 teaspoon soda, 1 tablespoon salt, 15 drops oil, 1 tablespoon of honey. If you need to add the mixture – increase the number of all part time women. Bath spend 20 minutes every day without skipping any period of 1-3 months.


Herbs baths

Baths collection of medicinal herbs – a mild folk remedy for foot fungus. Just before you make sure that the plants that are part of, you don't have allergic reactions.

Simple folk recipe includes the leaves of burdock, yarrow, plantain and Artemisia. Combine the herbs in equal proportions, for example, 2 tbsp. l. raw Pour boiling water, wait until it has cooled slightly, fill with broth basin and soak your feet. A few days daily steaming condition is improving.

The good effect gives a decoction of oak bark. Cook it at the rate of 4 tablespoons of dry raw material per 1 liter of water. Add 2 drops of peppermint essential oil and 10 drops of tea tree oil, stir and let cool. After an hour, combine the broth, 3 l of hot water and 2 tablespoons of baking soda. In such mixtures it is possible to keep your feet for 30 minutes. Select the time that the daily schedule. Usually the course lasts for 2 weeks.

Soda and salt

Popular recipes on the basis of salt and soda is very easy to prepare. Take basin baths, pour hot water, add a couple of tablespoons of baking soda and the same amount of salt (normal, sea or iodized), stir. If you have not iodized salt, add a few drops of iodine. Take baths daily until symptoms disappear.

Soda is perfect for packing on foot. Ready to a liter of water, a teaspoon of baking soda, soak the socks, a little press. They need to use my legs for a long time, so on top wear Shoe covers / plastic bags or wrap legs with cling film. This compresses the left foot for 2 hours. Repeat daily for 1.5 months.


Underrated as a folk remedy for the treatment of fungal infections. According to the recipe, the fresh leaves of mountain ash need to stretch that stood out the juice and apply on the feet. It is recommended to wrap the top of the burdock leaf, but you can do without it. The next waypoint you need to wrap a bandage and leave for a pack a day. After a change of fresh. To deal with 7-10 days.


Another popular recipe for athlete's foot contains Kombucha. Medusomyces contains usnic acidum and yeast, which is a weak antifungal effect.

This is a concentrated product to help the fungus on the nails. Prepare the infusion: boil for 40 minutes and strain. Broth to moisten a cotton pad, apply and lock for the night. The next morning remove the diseased part of the nail and treatment of iodine.

Another folk recipe for fungus treatment recommends, is to cut part of the mushroom, grind into a puree and RUB into the feet and nails twice a day.


A poisonous plant is a complex disinfectant, anti-inflammatory and soothing effect on the skin. Oil celandine is widely used for the treatment of skin diseases, and it is a well known folk remedy for nail fungus.

Treatment celandine does not require complex manipulation. Enough to steam feet in soda in a water bath and lubricate the affected area with oil of the plant.

Oil-perfect for health-promoting packs. To do this, apply it with a cotton swab, apply to the affected area and secure it for half an hour. Do this two times a day for 3-4 weeks.

Processing linen


Among the ways to treat foot fungus folk remedies often mentioned room aloe. Crush 2-3 leaves of the plant, pour boiling water and infuse for 3 hours. Moisten a cotton pad or gauze n in the resulting solution and treat the affected area once a day. Aloe softens the skin and speed up recovery. It is most effective when nail fungus on the feet.


Popular folk recipes vinegar creates an environment for harmful fungus, but they can corrode and the skin of the feet. Apply it carefully in small concentrations and only if there are no ulcers and erosions:

  • Do baths with a solution of wine or Apple cider vinegar (1 part vinegar and 6 parts water) for 15 minutes every other day until regrowth of healthy nails.
  • Soak in vinegar and wear socks on feet at night, and repeat daily until the symptoms disappear.
  • Lubricate the affected areas with a mixture of equal amounts of vinegar and carrot juice (1 tbsp .l.), daily to restore health.

Use vinegar for the treatment of footwear in the context affects the skin of the feet. Take 70% acetic acid, moistened swab, wipe the inner surface, leave the shoes for 48 hours by placing the shoes in a tightly sealed packaging. When the air.

Simple drugs home kit

In addition to the expensive fungicides, there are many simple pharmacy means that you can use if the fungus is not yet running. Knowing how to fight fungus, such as drugs, you can use the improvised folk remedies.

Boric acid

An antiseptic, which causes coagulation and denaturation of proteins of pathogenic micro-organisms. In folk recipes the tool is used only locally and best of all, it helps fungi on the nail plate.

Rasparte feet in the bath with soap and baking soda, clean the hardened tissue with a pumice stone, file and cut nails. After you have installed the boric acid alcohol to the affected area. Repeat the procedure daily. Use to disinfect socks, stockings and shoes.

Hydrogen peroxide

Peroxide can be used in the form of compresses. According to popular recipes, it is necessary to put pharmaceutical preparations on the gauze, apply to the affected skin for half an hour. Repeat every night and morning during the week.

Peroxide to prevent the spread of fungus to other areas.

Fungus treatment


Don't even know how to cure foot fungus, you probably think this antiseptic, familiar to everyone since childhood. This drug is used in folk treatment of fungal infections. It can be used for the preparation of baths and lotions.

Prepare 5 liters of water and add 3 tablespoons of iodine. In such a concentrated bath soak foot for 20 minutes, then drain. Play through the day.

Washes, diluted with an equal amount of iodine and alcohol, dip it into the mixture with a cotton pad and Pat the skin on the feet. Apply before going to bed daily for 5 to 10 days to reduce symptoms.

Those who test the method itself, it is recommended to apply the gel daily to the affected area of the skin and nails after steaming. Also thymol the composition of the preparation has antiseptic properties, destroys fungi, viruses and bacteria, helps in the treatment of mycosis of the feet.

This is not a complete list of folk remedies for the treatment of fungal nails. But what you have chosen, before use, consult your doctor. When it is running fungus, a weakened immune system and other aggravating factors traditional recipes can be ineffective. But a properly selected drug therapy such funds will be a great addition to the complex treatment.