Reviews Micinorm

  • Lara
    Recently started to use the cream, but the effect is already noticeable. I can say that I've tried quite a lot of money, but the result itself is not received. Micinorm I have fully come, is not a problem generated during operation. Overall, I am satisfied, therefore I recommend!
  • Jan
    I was treated micinorm about a month from time to time. Legs ruined the army shoes, the fungus takes about a year. Cream has helped to eliminate the inflammation and itching between the toes, skin of the week have recovered. But to kill the fungal nail took more time. But the effect is striking, cream to kill the smell, for the nail to grow back to a healthy pink.
  • Eva
    I have grown mushrooms after the hotel. It began to spread. But micinorm shut down the inflammation very quickly.
  • Ana
    The value of cream, and I know what I'm talking about, and others have tried when faced with this unpleasant problem. Now it's over, but I can't say that Micinorm okay, so I helped. Originally only remove the symptoms, and then the problem completely gone. Don't come back and I'm satisfied with this result. Prices are adequate, it is possible to buy!
  • Zala
    I always visit the pool. Apparently she caught the fungus. Rushed immediately, but only when you start to tickle the feet and nails have changed. Cream Micinorm recommended a confidential conversation with a good friend. Carton — convenient dispenser. You need to take a very small amount and thoroughly RUB into the skin of the feet and apply on your nails. One bottle was enough for me to 2 weeks of use. The smell of this unique bio cream was removed immediately. After 3 days the skin on your feet has stopped flaking and itching. The nail plate to grow back to normal color, without damage. A month was completely cured.
Rating Micinorm